<?php /** * Original => specialchars($s); // Workaround for escaped backslashes $s = str_replace('\\\\','\\\\<e>', $s); $regexp = array( // Comments/Strings '/( \/\*.*?\*\/| \/\/.*?\n| \#.[^a-fA-F0-9]+?\n| \<\!\-\-[\s\S]+\-\-\>| (?<!\\\)".*?(?<!\\\)"| (?<!\\\)\'(.*?)(?<!\\\)\' )/isex' => 'self::replaceId($tokens,\'$1\')', // Punctuations '/([\-\!\%\^\*\(\)\+\|\ \=\`\{\}\[\]\:\"\'<>\?\,\.\/]+)/' => '<span class="P">$1</span>', // Numbers (also look for Hex) '/(?<!\w)( (0x|\#)[\da-f]+| \d+| \d+(px|em|cm|mm|rem|s|\%) )(?!\w)/ix' => '<span class="N">$1</span>', // Make the bold assumption that an // all uppercase word has a special meaning '/(?<!\w|>|\#)( [A-Z_0-9]{2,} )(?!\w)/x' => '<span class="D">$1</span>', // Keywords '/(?<!\w|\$|\%|\@|>)( and|or|xor|for|do|while|foreach|as|return|die|exit|if|then|else| elseif|new|delete|try|throw|catch|finally|class|function|string| array|object|resource|var|bool|boolean|int|integer|float|double| real|string|array|global|const|static|public|private|protected| published|extends|switch|true|false|null|void|this|self|struct| char|signed|unsigned|short|long )(?!\w|=")/ix' => '<span class="K">$1</span>', // PHP/Perl-Style Vars: $var, %var, @var '/(?<!\w)( (\$|\%|\@)(\->|\w)+ )(?!\w)/ix' => '<span class="V">$1</span>' ); $tokens = array(); // This array will be filled from the regexp-callback $s = preg_replace(array_keys($regexp), array_values($regexp), $s); // Paste the comments and strings back in again $s = str_replace(array_keys($tokens), array_values($tokens), $s); // Delete the "Escaped Backslash Workaround Token" (TM) // and replace tabs with four spaces. $s = str_replace(array('<e>', "\t"), array('', ' '), $s); return '<pre><code>' . $s . '</code></pre>'; } // Regexp-Callback to replace every comment or string with a uniqid and save // the matched text in an array // This way, strings and comments will be stripped out and wont be processed // by the other expressions searching for keywords etc. private static function replaceId(&$a, $match) { $id = "##r" . uniqid() . "##"; // String or Comment? if(substr($match, 0, 2) == '//' || substr($match, 0, 2) == '/*' || substr($match, 0, 2) == '##' || substr($match, 0, 7) == '<!--') { $a[$id] = '<span class="C">' . $match . '</span>'; } else { $a[$id] = '<span class="S">' . $match . '</span>'; } return $id; } } ?>
pre { display:block; background-color:#3F3F3F; margin:1em 0; padding:1em; font:normal normal 13px/1.4 Consolas,"Andale Mono WT","Andale Mono","Lucida Console","Lucida Sans Typewriter","DejaVu Sans Mono","Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","Liberation Mono","Nimbus Mono L",Monaco,"Courier New",Courier,Monospace; color:#E3CEAB; overflow:auto; white-space:pre; word-wrap:normal; } pre code { font:inherit; color:inherit; } pre span.N {color:#8CD0D3} /* Numbers */ pre span.S {color:#CC9385} /* Strings */ pre span.C {color:#7F9F7F} /* Comments */ pre span.K {color:#DFC47D} /* Keywords */ pre span.V {color:#CEDF99} /* Vars */ pre span.D {color:#FFFFFF} /* Defines */ pre span.P {color:#9F9D65} /* Punctuations */