Parser Json Untuk Blogger · Tahun Awal Dan Tahun Akhir - Dewa Blogger


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 Parser JSON untuk Blogger · Tahun Awal dan Tahun Akhir
var url = '';  // Function to load a `<script>` tag without `document.write` function load(url) {     var script = document.createElement('script');     script.src = url;     document.head.appendChild(script); }  // Get the first and last post year… function getFirstAndLastYear($) {     $ = $.feed || {};     var entry = $.entry || [],         range = {};     // Get the first post year from `json.feed.entry[i].published.$t` value     range[0] = entry[0] && +entry[0].published.$t.split('-')[0] || false;     // Get the last post year from `json.feed.updated.$t` value     range[1] = +$.updated.$t.split('-')[0];     // [3]. Result will be available in the `range` variable as `[from, to]` format     console.log(range);     // You can now do stuff using the `range` variable start from here     document.getElementById('blog-history').innerHTML = '\u00A9 Copyright ' + range[0] + ' \u2013 ' + range[1]; }  // Get the total posts… function getTotalPosts($) {     $ = $.feed || {};     var i = $.openSearch$totalResults.$t,         entry = $.entry || [];     // [2]. Get the first and last post year…     // Use the `max-results` and `start-index` parameter to limit the posts     load(url + 'getFirstAndLastYear&max-results=1&start-index=' + i); }  // [1]. Get the total posts… load(url + 'getTotalPosts&max-results=0');


Parser Json Untuk Blogger · Tahun Awal Dan Tahun Akhir

 Parser JSON untuk Blogger · Tahun Awal dan Tahun Akhir
var url = '';  // Function to load a `<script>` tag without `document.write` function load(url) {     var script = document.createElement('script');     script.src = url;     document.head.appendChild(script); }  // Get the first and last post year… function getFirstAndLastYear($) {     $ = $.feed || {};     var entry = $.entry || [],         range = {};     // Get the first post year from `json.feed.entry[i].published.$t` value     range[0] = entry[0] && +entry[0].published.$t.split('-')[0] || false;     // Get the last post year from `json.feed.updated.$t` value     range[1] = +$.updated.$t.split('-')[0];     // [3]. Result will be available in the `range` variable as `[from, to]` format     console.log(range);     // You can now do stuff using the `range` variable start from here     document.getElementById('blog-history').innerHTML = '\u00A9 Copyright ' + range[0] + ' \u2013 ' + range[1]; }  // Get the total posts… function getTotalPosts($) {     $ = $.feed || {};     var i = $.openSearch$totalResults.$t,         entry = $.entry || [];     // [2]. Get the first and last post year…     // Use the `max-results` and `start-index` parameter to limit the posts     load(url + 'getFirstAndLastYear&max-results=1&start-index=' + i); }  // [1]. Get the total posts… load(url + 'getTotalPosts&max-results=0');
