Parser Json Untuk Blogger · Komentar - Dewa Blogger


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Parser Json Untuk Blogger · Komentar

Berikut ialah generalisasi fungsi untuk mengubah data JSON komentar Blogger menjadi markup HTML sesuai dengan keinginan. Saya sudah mendefinisikan ulang data-data yang penting ke dalam variabel, sehingga Anda sanggup memodifikasi skrip ini dengan lebih mudah:

Bentuk Daftar

function generateCommentsData(json) {      // Poor configuration settings, develop them yourself!     var config = {         containerID: 'result-container', // Container ID to show the generated data         avatarSize: 50, // Default avatar size         text: {             anon: 'Anonymous'         }     };      var html = "",         item = "",         w = window,         d = document,         feed = json.feed,         container = d.getElementById(config.containerID),         postCommentTotal = +feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t, // The comment feeds' total (all)         postCommentStartIndex = +feed.openSearch$startIndex.$t, // The comment feeds' start index         postCommentPerPage = +feed.openSearch$itemsPerPage.$t, // The comment feeds' max results per page or per feed request         blogID = /\:blog-?(\d+)(\.|$)/.exec($t) ? /\:blog-?(\d+)(\.|$)/.exec($t)[1] : false, // The blog ID         postID = /\.post-?(\d+)(\.|$)/.exec($t) ? /\.post-?(\d+)(\.|$)/.exec($t)[1] : false, // The current post ID (if any)         postURL = false, // The current post URL (if any)         blogTitle = feed.title.$t, // The comment feeds' title         blogAuthorName =[0].name ?[0].name.$t : config.text.anon, // The blog/post author name         blogAuthorAvatar =[0].gd$image.src.replace(/\/s\d+(\-c)?\//, '/s' + config.avatarSize + '-c/'), // The blog/post author profile avatar URL         blogGeneratorName = feed.generator.$t, // The blog generator name (Blogger)         blogGeneratorURL = feed.generator.uri; // The blog generator URL (      // Remove the leading `http://` or `https://` in blog/post author profile avatar URL     // blogAuthorAvatar = blogAuthorAvatar.replace(/^https?\:/, "");      // No container found     if (!container) {         alert('Container not found.');         return;     }      // Getting the current post URL (if any)     if (postID) {         for (var h = 0, hen =; h < hen; ++h) {             item =[h];             if (item.rel == 'alternate') {                 postURL = item.href;                 break;             }         }     }       // No comments yet     if (!feed.entry || feed.entry.length === 0) {         container.innerHTML = '<p>No comments yet.</p>';         return;     }      // Building the markup ...     html += '<h1>' + blogTitle + '</h1>';     html += '<p><b>Blog ID:</b> ' + blogID + '</p>';     html += '<p><b>Post ID:</b> ' + postID + '</p>';     html += '<p><b>Post URL:</b> ' + postURL + '</p>';     html += '<p><b>Blog Author Name:</b> ' + blogAuthorName + '</p>';     html += '<p><b>Blog Author Avatar URL:</b> ' + blogAuthorAvatar + '</p>';     html += '<p><b>Total Comments:</b> ' + postCommentTotal + '</p>';     html += '<p><b>Comments Per Page:</b> ' + postCommentPerPage + '</p>';     html += '<p><b>Comments Start Index:</b> ' + postCommentStartIndex + '</p>';     html += '<hr>';     html += '<ol>';      var comments = feed.entry;      for (var i = 0, ien = comments.length; i < ien; ++i) {          var comment = comments[i], // A single comment feed object             commentID =$t, // The comment ID             commentPublish = comment.published.$t, // The comment publishing time in ISO format             commentUpdate = comment.updated.$t, // The comment updating time in ISO format             commentDate = commentPublish, // The comment publishing time in timestamp format you defined in the dashboard             commentAuthorName =[0].name ?[0].name.$t : config.text.anon, // The comment author name             commentAuthorURL =[0].uri ?[0].uri.$t : false, // The comment author profile URL             commentAuthorAvatar =[0].gd$image.src.replace(/\/s\d+(\-c)?\//, '/s' + config.avatarSize + '-c/'), // The comment author profile avatar URL             commentContent = comment.content ? comment.content.$t : comment.summary.$t.replace(/<br *\/?>|[\s]+/gi, ' ').replace(/<.*?>|[<>]/g, ""), // The comment content             commentParent = false, // The comment parent ID (if any, for child comments)             commentPermalink = false, // The comment permalink             commentIsAdmin = commentAuthorName === blogAuthorName || commentAuthorAvatar === blogAuthorAvatar, // Is this comment was created by the blog/post author?             commentDeleteURL = false; // The comment delete URL          // Remove the leading `http://` or `https://` in comment author profile avatar URL         // commentAuthorAvatar = commentAuthorAvatar.replace(/^https?\:/, "");          for (var j = 0, jen =; j < jen; ++j) {             item =[j];             if (item.rel == 'self') {                 // Getting the original comment ID                 commentID = item.href.split('/').pop();                 // Getting the comment delete URL                 commentDeleteURL = item.href.replace(/\/feeds\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\/comments?\/(default|summary)\/(\d+)/, '/delete-comment.g?blogID=$1&postID=$4');             }             // Getting the comment permalink URL             if (item.rel == 'alternate') {                 commentPermalink = item.href;             }             // Getting the comment parent ID (if any)             if (item.rel == 'related') {                 var parentID = item.href.split('/').pop();                 commentParent = commentID !== parentID ? parentID : false;             }         }          // Getting the comment publishing time in timestamp format you defined in the dashboard         for (var k = 0, ken =$extendedProperty.length; k < ken; ++k) {             item =$extendedProperty[k];             if ( == 'blogger.displayTime') {                 commentDate = item.value;                 break;             }         }          // Building the markup ...         html += '<li>';         html += '<p><b>ID:</b> ' + commentID + '</p>';         html += '<p><b>Publish:</b> ' + commentPublish + '</p>';         html += '<p><b>Update:</b> ' + commentUpdate + '</p>';         html += '<p><b>Date:</b> ' + commentDate + '</p>';         html += '<p><b>Author:</b> ' + commentAuthorName + '</p>';         html += commentAuthorURL !== false ? '<p><b>URL:</b> ' + commentAuthorURL + '</p>' : "";         html += '<p><b>Avatar URL:</b> ' + commentAuthorAvatar + '</p>';         html += commentParent !== false ? '<p><b>Parent ID:</b> ' + commentParent + '</p>' : "";         html += '<p><b>Permalink:</b> ' + commentPermalink + '</p>';         html += '<p><b>Status:</b> ' + (commentIsAdmin ? 'admin' : 'guest') + '</p>';         html += '<p><b>Delete URL:</b> ' + commentDeleteURL + '</p>';         html += '<p><b>Message:</b></p>';         html += '<div>' + commentContent + '</div>';         html += '</li>';      }      // Building the markup ...     html += '</ol>';      // Show the generated data to the container ...     container.innerHTML = html;  }


Urutannya dimulai dari penulisan HTML untuk menampung data yang akan digenerasikan oleh fungsi di atas, dilanjutkan dengan memasukkan fungsi di atas ke dalam tag <script>, kemudian memanggil data JSON dengan memakai nilai parameter URL callback berupa generateCommentsData, sesuai dengan nama fungsi di atas:

<div id="result-container">Loading&hellip;</div> <script> function generateCommentsData(json) { … } </script> <script src="//"></script>

Lihat Demo


Memanggil Data Komentar untuk Posting Tertentu

Gunakan format URL menyerupai ini untuk membatasi pemanggilan data komentar hanya untuk komentar-komentar yang terdapat pada posting dengan ID 6427706034645358331:

Sayangnya Saya tidak berhasil menemukan tumpuan resmi mengenai JSON Blogger versi 1.0 di Google Developer. Dulu memang pernah ada tapi kini sudah tidak ada lagi. Yang ada kini lebih banyak ditujukan untuk API Blogger versi 3.0+ yang membutuhkan autentikasi.
