Ajax Dengan Javascript Mentah - Dewa Blogger


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Ajax Dengan Javascript Mentah

Mendapatkan konten dari dokumen HTML yang lain pada domain yang sama tanpa memakai jQuery.

/**  * Get data from a URL  * @param  {String} url        The URL to get  * @param  {Function} success  Callback to run on success  * @param  {Function} error    Callback to run on error  */  var getURL = function(url, success, error) {     // Feature detection     if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return;     // Create new request     var request = new XMLHttpRequest();     // Setup callbacks     request.onreadystatechange = function() {         // If the request is complete         if (request.readyState === 4) {             // If the request failed             if (request.status !== 200) {                 if (error && typeof error === "function") {                     error(request.responseText, request);                 }                 return;             }             // If the request succeeded             if (success && typeof success === "function") {                 success(request.responseText, request);             }         }     };     // Get the HTML     request.open('GET', url);     request.send(); };



getURL(     '/about',     function(data) {         // On success…     },     function(data) {         // On failure…     } );

Cari elemen spesifik pada halaman yang dipanggil dan masukkan kontennya ke dalam elemen tertentu pada halaman ketika ini:

getURL(     '/about',     function(data) {         // Create a `<div>` and inject the HTML into it         var div = document.createElement(div);         div.innerHTML = data;         // Find the element you’re looking for in the `<div>`         var from = div.querySelector('#some-element');         var to = document.querySelector('#another-element');         // Quit if the element or the place where you want to inject it doesn’t exist         if (!from || !to) return;         // Inject the element into the DOM         to.innerHTML = from.innerHTML;     } );

Referensi: Making AJAX Requests with Native JavaScript

Sumber https://www.dte.web.id/