Kolom Sama Tinggi Dengan Jquery - Dewa Blogger


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Kolom Sama Tinggi Dengan Jquery

$(function() {     // set the starting `bigestHeight` variable     var biggestHeight = 0;     // check each of them     $('.col').each(function() {          // if the height of the current element is          // bigger then the current `biggestHeight` value          if($(this).height() > biggestHeight) {              // update the `biggestHeight` with the              // height of the current elements              biggestHeight = $(this).height();          }     });      // when checking for `biggestHeight` is done set that     // height to all the elements     $('.col').height(biggestHeight); });
<div>   <div class="col"> … </div>   <div class="col"> … </div>   <div class="col"> … </div>   <div class="col"> … </div> </div>

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Sumber: Web.Enavu

Sumber https://www.dte.web.id/