Jquery Pengaruh Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin - Dewa Blogger


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Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin

Eksperimen membuat slideshow menurut framework yang Saya buat di sini, untuk membuat slideshow dengan efek menyerupai Nivo Slider. Slideshow ini memakai konsep yang menyerupai dengan Nivo Slider, adalah mengambil URL gambar untuk dijadikan sebagai latar slice. Efek bergelombang timbul dari .delay() animasi yang Saya set dengan nilai berurutan pada setiap slice:


<figure id="slider">     <div class="container">         <img src="image/slide-1.jpg" alt="Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin">         <img src="image/slide-2.jpg" alt="Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin">         <img src="image/slide-3.jpg" alt="Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin">         <img src="image/slide-4.jpg" alt="Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin">     </div>     <figcaption></figcaption>     <nav id="slider-nav"></nav> </figure>


/* Slider */ #slider {   display:block;   border:4px solid #000;   width:400px; /* slider width */   height:250px; /* slider height */   margin:0 auto;   background:white url('img/loading.gif') no-repeat 50% 50%;   overflow:hidden;   position:relative; }  /* For caption */ #slider figcaption {   display:block;   background-color:black;   font:normal normal 11px Arial,Sans-Serif;   color:white;   opacity:.8;   padding:10px 15px;   position:absolute;   right:0;   bottom:-100px; /* hide the caption with this way :) */   left:0;   z-index:99; }  #slider img {   display:block;   margin:0 0;   width:400px; /* slide width */   height:250px; /* slide height */   position:absolute;   top:0;   left:0; }  /* Navigation */ #slider-nav {   display:block;   position:absolute;   top:10px;   right:10px;   margin:0 0;   padding:0 0;   z-index:99; }  #slider-nav a {   display:block;   float:left;   width:10px;   height:10px;   background-color:#111;   font-size:0;   color:transparent;   overflow:hidden;   text-indent:-99px;   margin:0 2px 0 0;   border:2px solid white;   -webkit-border-radius:100%;   -moz-border-radius:100%;   border-radius:100%;   -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4);   -moz-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4);   box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4); }  #slider-nav .active {   background-color:#2589B4; }  /* Hide all element inside the '#slider' until the page has been loaded! */ #slider .container, #slider figcaption {display:none} #slider-nav {opacity:0}


/**  * NIVO SLIDER LIKE EFFECT SLIDESHOW BY TAUFIK NURROHMAN  * URL: https://plus.google.com/108949996304093815163/about  * Based on this slideshow framework:    */  (function($) {  // ================================================================================== // Configuration here: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------     var config = {         slices: 10, // number of slices         speed: 600, // slideshow speed         easing: null, // easing type         interval: 3000 // slideshow interval     }; // ==================================================================================      // Some variables...     var $slider = $('#slider'),         $caption = $slider.find('figcaption'),         $container = $slider.find('.container'),         $nav = $('#slider-nav'),         $slide = $container.children(),         autoSlide = null,         $first = $slide.first();      // Auto append navigation item based on the slides length     $slide.each(function(index) {         var i = index + 1;         $nav.append('<a href="#slide-'+i+'">'+i+'</a>');         $(this).attr('id', 'slide-'+i);     });      // Set the slices size     var slice_w = $slider.width() / config.slices,         slice_h = $slider.height();      // Build the slices     for (var i = 0; i < config.slices; i++) {         $('<div class="slice" />').css({             'position':'absolute',             'width':slice_w,             'height':slice_h,             'left':slice_w*i,             'z-index':4,             'background-color':'transparent',             'background-repeat':'no-repeat',             'background-position':'-' + slice_w*i + 'px 0'         }).appendTo($slider);     }      // Catch the slices, and also set the different position between odd and even slices     var $sliceOdd = $slider.find('.slice:odd').css('bottom',0),         $sliceEven = $slider.find('.slice:even').css('top',0);      // Click to switch!     $nav.find('a').on("click", function() {          $nav.find('.active').removeClass('active');         $(this).addClass('active');          var pos = $(this).index(),             text = $slide.eq(pos).attr('alt'),             bg = $slide.eq(pos).attr('src');          $slide.hide().eq(pos).trigger("load").show();          // Do the caption and slices animation here!         $caption.stop().animate({bottom:'-100px'}, config.speed/2);          $sliceOdd.each(function(i) {             $(this).stop().delay(i*100).animate({bottom:'-'+slice_h+'px',opacity:0}, config.speed, config.easing, function() {                 $(this).css({                     'background-image':'url('+bg+')',                     'bottom':0,                     'opacity':1                 });             });         });         $sliceEven.each(function(i) {             $(this).stop().delay(i*100).animate({top:'-'+slice_h+'px',opacity:0}, config.speed, config.easing, function() {                 $(this).css({                     'background-image':'url('+bg+')',                     'top':0,                     'opacity':1                 });             });         }).promise().done(function() {             $caption.html(text).stop().animate({bottom:'0'}, config.speed/2);         });          clearInterval(autoSlide);         autoSlide = setInterval(slideShow, config.interval);          return false;      }).first().addClass('active');      // Init slideshow     $caption.html($slide.first().attr('alt')).stop().animate({bottom:'0'}, config.speed);      // Navigation clicker     function slideShow() {         if ($nav.find('.active').next().length) {             $nav.find('.active').next().trigger("click");         } else {             $nav.find('a').first().trigger("click");         }     }      // Run the slideshow on page load...     $(window).on("load", function() {          // remove the 'loading background-image' of '#slider'         $slider.css('background-image','none');          // Show the '.container', 'figcaption' and '#slide-nav' when the page has been loaded!         $container.show();         $caption.show();         $nav.css('opacity',1);          // Another init slideshow         $slider.find('.slice').css('background-image', 'url('+$first.attr("src")+')');          // Then, start the interval...         autoSlide = setInterval(slideShow, config.interval);      });  })(jQuery);

Lihat Demo Salinan di CSSDeck


Opsi Keterangan
slices Jumlah potingan slide.
speed Kecepatan slideshow.
easing Tipe easing animasi.
interval Interval slideshow.

Sumber https://www.dte.web.id/

Jquery Pengaruh Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin

Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin

Eksperimen membuat slideshow menurut framework yang Saya buat di sini, untuk membuat slideshow dengan efek menyerupai Nivo Slider. Slideshow ini memakai konsep yang menyerupai dengan Nivo Slider, adalah mengambil URL gambar untuk dijadikan sebagai latar slice. Efek bergelombang timbul dari .delay() animasi yang Saya set dengan nilai berurutan pada setiap slice:


<figure id="slider">     <div class="container">         <img src="image/slide-1.jpg" alt="Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin">         <img src="image/slide-2.jpg" alt="Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin">         <img src="image/slide-3.jpg" alt="Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin">         <img src="image/slide-4.jpg" alt="Nivo Slider Like Effect Slideshow Without Plugin jQuery Efek Nivo Slider Tanpa Plugin">     </div>     <figcaption></figcaption>     <nav id="slider-nav"></nav> </figure>


/* Slider */ #slider {   display:block;   border:4px solid #000;   width:400px; /* slider width */   height:250px; /* slider height */   margin:0 auto;   background:white url('img/loading.gif') no-repeat 50% 50%;   overflow:hidden;   position:relative; }  /* For caption */ #slider figcaption {   display:block;   background-color:black;   font:normal normal 11px Arial,Sans-Serif;   color:white;   opacity:.8;   padding:10px 15px;   position:absolute;   right:0;   bottom:-100px; /* hide the caption with this way :) */   left:0;   z-index:99; }  #slider img {   display:block;   margin:0 0;   width:400px; /* slide width */   height:250px; /* slide height */   position:absolute;   top:0;   left:0; }  /* Navigation */ #slider-nav {   display:block;   position:absolute;   top:10px;   right:10px;   margin:0 0;   padding:0 0;   z-index:99; }  #slider-nav a {   display:block;   float:left;   width:10px;   height:10px;   background-color:#111;   font-size:0;   color:transparent;   overflow:hidden;   text-indent:-99px;   margin:0 2px 0 0;   border:2px solid white;   -webkit-border-radius:100%;   -moz-border-radius:100%;   border-radius:100%;   -webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4);   -moz-box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4);   box-shadow:0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.4); }  #slider-nav .active {   background-color:#2589B4; }  /* Hide all element inside the '#slider' until the page has been loaded! */ #slider .container, #slider figcaption {display:none} #slider-nav {opacity:0}


/**  * NIVO SLIDER LIKE EFFECT SLIDESHOW BY TAUFIK NURROHMAN  * URL: https://plus.google.com/108949996304093815163/about  * Based on this slideshow framework:    */  (function($) {  // ================================================================================== // Configuration here: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------     var config = {         slices: 10, // number of slices         speed: 600, // slideshow speed         easing: null, // easing type         interval: 3000 // slideshow interval     }; // ==================================================================================      // Some variables...     var $slider = $('#slider'),         $caption = $slider.find('figcaption'),         $container = $slider.find('.container'),         $nav = $('#slider-nav'),         $slide = $container.children(),         autoSlide = null,         $first = $slide.first();      // Auto append navigation item based on the slides length     $slide.each(function(index) {         var i = index + 1;         $nav.append('<a href="#slide-'+i+'">'+i+'</a>');         $(this).attr('id', 'slide-'+i);     });      // Set the slices size     var slice_w = $slider.width() / config.slices,         slice_h = $slider.height();      // Build the slices     for (var i = 0; i < config.slices; i++) {         $('<div class="slice" />').css({             'position':'absolute',             'width':slice_w,             'height':slice_h,             'left':slice_w*i,             'z-index':4,             'background-color':'transparent',             'background-repeat':'no-repeat',             'background-position':'-' + slice_w*i + 'px 0'         }).appendTo($slider);     }      // Catch the slices, and also set the different position between odd and even slices     var $sliceOdd = $slider.find('.slice:odd').css('bottom',0),         $sliceEven = $slider.find('.slice:even').css('top',0);      // Click to switch!     $nav.find('a').on("click", function() {          $nav.find('.active').removeClass('active');         $(this).addClass('active');          var pos = $(this).index(),             text = $slide.eq(pos).attr('alt'),             bg = $slide.eq(pos).attr('src');          $slide.hide().eq(pos).trigger("load").show();          // Do the caption and slices animation here!         $caption.stop().animate({bottom:'-100px'}, config.speed/2);          $sliceOdd.each(function(i) {             $(this).stop().delay(i*100).animate({bottom:'-'+slice_h+'px',opacity:0}, config.speed, config.easing, function() {                 $(this).css({                     'background-image':'url('+bg+')',                     'bottom':0,                     'opacity':1                 });             });         });         $sliceEven.each(function(i) {             $(this).stop().delay(i*100).animate({top:'-'+slice_h+'px',opacity:0}, config.speed, config.easing, function() {                 $(this).css({                     'background-image':'url('+bg+')',                     'top':0,                     'opacity':1                 });             });         }).promise().done(function() {             $caption.html(text).stop().animate({bottom:'0'}, config.speed/2);         });          clearInterval(autoSlide);         autoSlide = setInterval(slideShow, config.interval);          return false;      }).first().addClass('active');      // Init slideshow     $caption.html($slide.first().attr('alt')).stop().animate({bottom:'0'}, config.speed);      // Navigation clicker     function slideShow() {         if ($nav.find('.active').next().length) {             $nav.find('.active').next().trigger("click");         } else {             $nav.find('a').first().trigger("click");         }     }      // Run the slideshow on page load...     $(window).on("load", function() {          // remove the 'loading background-image' of '#slider'         $slider.css('background-image','none');          // Show the '.container', 'figcaption' and '#slide-nav' when the page has been loaded!         $container.show();         $caption.show();         $nav.css('opacity',1);          // Another init slideshow         $slider.find('.slice').css('background-image', 'url('+$first.attr("src")+')');          // Then, start the interval...         autoSlide = setInterval(slideShow, config.interval);      });  })(jQuery);

Lihat Demo Salinan di CSSDeck


Opsi Keterangan
slices Jumlah potingan slide.
speed Kecepatan slideshow.
easing Tipe easing animasi.
interval Interval slideshow.

Sumber https://www.dte.web.id/